Download the Hampshire Philatelic Federation Bulletin and Yearbook

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The HPF Bulletin may be downloaded from this page.

The HPF Yearbook is available here and lists the HPF Roll of Honour, past competition winners, HPF Mission and Objectives, speakers, competition judges, and affiliated societies.

PDF copies of the Bulletin are made available directly to Societies via their Federation Representative. Please let the Editor know by email about any changes so that documents can be kept up to date.
If you require back copies of the Bulletin in PDF format, then please let the Secretary know by email.

View your copy of our publications by double clicking the icon. You may prefer to save it directly to your hard disk: right-click the icon and select 'Save Target/Link As'.

Bulletin 165 May 2024 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 165 - Click to Download - large file (2.3 Mb)
Bulletin 164 January 2024 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 164 - Click to Download - large file (4.2 Mb)
Bulletin 163 September 2023 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 163 - Click to Download - large file (3 Mb)
Bulletin 162 May 2023 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 162 - Click to Download - large file (6 Mb)
Bulletin 161 January 2023 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 161 - Click to Download - large file (1.7Mb)
Bulletin 160 September 2022 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 160 - Click to Download - large file (2.4Mb)
Bulletin 159 May 2022 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 159 - Click to Download - large file (3.9Mb)
Bulletin 158 January 2022 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 158 - Click to Download - large file (3.7Mb)
Bulletin 157 September 2021 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 157 - Click to Download - large file (2.95Mb)
Bulletin 156 May 2021 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 156 - Click to Download - large file (2.4Mb)
From May 2021 the online Bulletin format has been made easier to read while scrolling from page 1 through to the end.
Bulletin 155 January 2021 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 155 - Click to Download - large file (3.4Mb)
Bulletin 154 September 2020 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 154 - Click to Download - large file (4.1Mb)
Bulletin 153 May 2020 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 153 - Click to Download - large file (1.3Mb)
Bulletin 152 January 2020 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 152 - Click to Download - large file (1.2Mb)
Bulletin 151 September 2019 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 151 - Click to Download - large file (1.5Mb)
Bulletin 150 May 2019 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 150 - Click to Download - large file (3.1Mb)
Bulletin 149 January 2019 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 149 - Click to Download - large file (4.4Mb)
Bulletin 148 September 2018 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 148 - Click to Download - large file (4.0Mb)
Bulletin 147 May 2018 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 147 - Click to Download - large file (4.0Mb)
Bulletin 146 January 2018 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 146 - Click to Download - large file (3.0Mb)
Bulletin 145 September 2017 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 145 - Click to Download - large file (5.1Mb)
Bulletin 144 May 2017 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 144 - Click to Download - large file (4.8Mb)
Bulletin 143 January 2017 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 143 - Click to Download - large file (2.3Mb)
Bulletin 142 September 2016 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 142 - Click to Download - large file (3.2Mb)
Bulletin 141 May 2016 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 142 - Click to Download - large file (2Mb)
HPF Newsletter December 2015 December 2015 newsletter to societies in pdf format - click to view (934Kb)
Note: Bulletin 140 and earlier show our old web address.  
Bulletin 140 May 2015 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 140 - Click to Download - large file (5.1Mb)
Bulletin 139 January 2015 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 139 - Click to Download - large file (8Mb)
Bulletin 138 September 2014 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 138 - Click to Download - large file (9.3Mb)
Bulletin 137 May 2014 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin 137 - Click to Download - large file (6.3Mb)
Bulletin Comprehensive Index from May 2014 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin Index from May 2014 - Click to Download (28Kb)
Bulletin Comprehensive Index to January 2014 Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Bulletin Index - Click to Download (85Kb)
ABPS News is also available online, from this list of ABPS magazines.  
See the latest edition of Hampshire Postal History Society Journal  
Adobe Acrobat © Reader software to view (and print) the Bulletin: Click to Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files
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Updated: June 2024


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